

The rapid evolution of the global pandemic of SARS-CoV-2, the causative coronavirus behind COVID-19 (coronavirus disease 2019), requires a nimble response. The center provides stimulus funds to our researchers to put their minds together to combat this disease.

The exponential spread of the disease is evident based on absolute case numbers reported worldwide from March 3 (90,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide) to April 3 (1 million cases), and then onwards to June 29 (10 million cases). It has been confirmed in more than 90% of the world's nations and territories, also necessitates a nimble and concerted effort to fight it. Our researchers are dedicated to contributing their talents and resources towards efforts both at a global and local scale. In addition to donating our supplies to the medical workers at the frontlines of the fight (and continuing to do so!), immunoengineers are uniquely well-positioned to make a long-term impact as their training and expertise encompasses the development of diagnostics, vaccines, and treatments that can directly address the disease.

To support our researchers in their efforts to adapt their existing projects to a new disease, we and other initiatives across the UChicago campus have instituted a small and local board of experts to review project proposals on a rolling basis, and we have even begun to provide short-term stimulus funds to enable them to pursue those projects. Here are some examples:

We continue to monitor developments in the COVID-19 epidemic, both from a scientific and from a global epidemiological standpoint. Together with our colleagues across the University of Chicago and beyond, we are working to deliver solutions that can directly impact your health. If you are interested in contributing to our mission, we welcome your support! Please follow us on our LinkedIn page for the latest news, or support our work directly by donating.