About Us

Directions & Visiting

The Chicago Immunoengineering Innovation Center is based at the William Eckhardt Research Center on the UChicago campus. Located in the vibrant and diverse Hyde Park neighborhood on Chicago’s South Side, our campus is easily accessed via public transportation and in close proximity to a multitude of dining and shopping options on E 53rd St and E 57th St. You can begin planning your trip to the university by reviewing the information we have compiled on our Visiting the University website. For patients and visitors to the medical campus, check out the Patients & Visitors Section of the UChicago Medicine website.

Dean Matt Tirrell giving a talk to a full seminar room

Contact Us

Chicago Immunoengineering Innovation Center


Pritzker School of Molecular Engineering


UChicago News & Media

Melissa Abraham (Assistant Dean of Strategic Communications and Marketing)

melissaabraham@uchicago.edu, 773.834.5064

UChicago Campaign & Giving

April Bridges (Director of Development)

abridges@uchicago.edu, 773.834.4818

The University of Chicago

Main operator: 773.702.1000

Online Directory